Update: May 2018
Advanced Digital Instruments SL (hereinafter AD Instruments) takes the protection of your personal data very seriously. This is a question of enormous importance for us, that is why AD Instruments complies with the maximum rigor the provisions of the Organic Law of Protection of Personal Data, as well as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union regarding Privacy and Protection of Personal Information.
Below you will find all the information regarding the use of data and our data protection principles.
Use of data
The personal data will be used exclusively to place orders. The subsequent use of said data for advertising purposes without its express authorization is prohibited.
Use of user account data.
In user accounts, we request that you specify a series of data for security reasons and to be able to develop our service. AD Instruments guarantees that these data will be used exclusively for the performance of the corresponding service.
Principles of data protection
The Client authorizes AD Instruments, to use their data with the commercial relationship as a necessary requirement for the contracting of certain services, without prejudice to the right of access, cancellation or rectification that the Client may exercise at any time and by any means, to the email address info @ adinstruments.es and the telephone +34 91 6613037 of AD Instruments.
AD Instruments may place a cookie from your website, which is used exclusively for Shopping cart functions and for the user account. The Cookie will be automatically deleted at the end of your visit to our website (for example, when you close the browser).
Google Analytics
This site uses Google Analytics to improve usability and customer experience. This service may track how you arrived at our website, how long you stayed, generic information about the computer you're using, and any transactions you may complete with us. One method of opting out of such tracking is available through browser plugins. One example of such a plugin can be found at https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.
If you have any questions regarding data protection issues, or wish to make any changes or request information, we will be at your disposal and happy to help you at info@adinstruments.es.